It was a delight to see the repeat episode of the DIY SOS aired last week! Watching the episode back brought a flurry of great memories for the Just Spray Network Team.

Why Just Spray Network Decided To Help Out

When Just Spray Network had just started as a business, we were so grateful to experience a team effort with amazing individuals to achieve the objectives of one of the nicest television shows that happened to be visiting the local area.

When we first started our business, we were based in Welwyn Garden City, and we were lucky enough to have the opportunity to assist a family in need.

Three members of the Just Spray Network team attended the home and helped spray the new extensions to match the rest of the house. As a young family ourselves, we felt personally connected to this project as we thought that if we were ever in the same position, we would want the same response from those around us.

lee with gabrielle

Find Out More

To catch up on the episode, you can find it on: BBC ONE

Or you can read more about the lovely family we helped over on the Welwyn Hatfield Times.

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